Press Releases
- March 25, 2025: Former Legislative Aide Pleads Guilty to Felony Theft for Stealing Legislative Scholarship Funds
- January 22, 2025: Former Legislative Aide Charged with Felony Theft and Other Charges for Stealing Legislative Scholarship Funds
- December 13, 2024 – Orphan’s Court Judge Indicted for Illegal Recording and Misconduct in Office
- November 13, 2024: Former Prince George’s County Council Member Jamel “Mel” Franklin Sentenced to Jail for Felony Theft and Perjury.
- November 1, 2024: Easton Police Department Officer Sentenced to Jail on Two Counts of Misconduct in Office
- September 11, 2024: Easton Police Department Officer Convicted of Two Charges of Misconduct in Office
- August 26, 2024: Former Prince George’s County Council Member Pleads Guilty to Felony Theft Scheme and Perjury
- July 18, 2024: Former Anne Arundel County Register of Wills Sentenced for Misconduct in Office
- June 20, 2024: Prince George’s County Councilman Charged with Multiple Counts of Felony Theft Scheme, Embezzlement, and Perjury
- June 4, 2024: Anne Arundel County Register of Wills Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office
- April 4, 2024: Easton Police Department Officer Charged with Misconduct in Office
- April 3, 2024: John King for Governor Campaign Cited for Authority Line Violations
- January 26, 2024: Anne Arundel County Register of Wills Charged with Misconduct in Office, Misappropriation by a Fiduciary, and Theft
- January 10, 2024: Former Cecil County Sheriff’s Deputy Sentenced to Prison for Misconduct in Office and Visual Surveillance with Prurient Intent
- November 9, 2023: Baltimore County Man Pleads Guilty to Voting in a Maryland Election without U.S. Citizenship
- October 12, 2023: 1776 Project PAC Fined Over $20,000 for Failure to Include Authority Line in Carroll County School Board Race
- October 11, 2023: Former Cecil County Sheriff’s Deputy Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office and Visual Surveillance with Prurient Intent
- October 05, 2023: Baltimore County Man Charged for Voting in a Maryland Election without U.S. Citizenship
- August 23, 2023: Cecil County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Charged with Misconduct in Office, Witness Retaliation, Revenge Porn, and Related Offenses
- July 31, 2023: Treasurer for Political Committees “Friends of Cathy Bevins” and the “Baltimore County Victory Slate” Sentenced to Six Months Incarceration
- May 25, 2023: Treasurer for Political Committees “Friends of Cathy Bevins” and the “Baltimore County Victory Slate” Pleads Guilty to Felony Theft Scheme and Perjury
- April 18, 2023: Former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Sentenced to Two Years in Federal Prison for Unlawfully Obtaining Phone Records
- April 13, 2023: Calvert County Sheriff’s Deputy Pleads Guilty To Misconduct In Office
- February 16, 2023: Treasurer to Political Committees “Friends of Cathy Bevins” and the “Baltimore County Victory Slate” Charged with Multiple Counts Of Felony Theft Scheme, Embezzlement, and Perjury
- January 13, 2023: Former Maryland State Delegate Richard K. Impallaria Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office for Misusing State Funds
- January 9, 2023: Calvert County Sheriff’s Deputy Charged with Misconduct in Office for Engaging in Sexual Relations with a Person Requesting Assistance
- December 9, 2022: Former Baltimore City Assistant State’s Attorney Pleads Guilty to Federal Charges For Unlawfully Obtaining Phone Records
- September 30, 2022: Former Baltimore City Assistant State’s Attorney Facing Federal Charges for Unlawfully Obtaining Phone Records
- September 29, 2022: Treasurer of Political Committee “Team 30 Slate” Pleads Guilty to Theft
- July 27, 2022: Delegate Richard Impallaria charged with Felony Theft and related crimes for schemes related to misuse of state funds
- May 4, 2022: Treasurer of Political Committee “Team 30 Slate” Charged with Theft of Campaign Funds
- April 18, 2022: Andrew Bradshaw, Former Mayor of Cambridge, MD, Pleads Guilty to Five Counts of Distributing Revenge Porn
- November 30, 2021: Former Baltimore City Homicide Prosecutor Indicted on 88 Charges, including Stalking, Extortion, and Misconduct in Office
- November 23, 2021: Fairmount Heights Police Officer Charged with Kidnapping, Perjury and Misconduct in Office
- November 15, 2021: Mayor of Cambridge Charged with violating Maryland’s Revenge Porn Statute
- October 26, 2021: Non-Profit CEO Sentenced to Two Years in Federal Prison after Pleading Guilty to Wire Fraud in Connection with the Misuse of Federal Funds Intended For The Treatment of Survivors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
- October 5, 2021: Former Executive Director Of Maryland Environmental Service Facing Federal And State Charges For Allegedly Fraudulently Obtaining More Than $276,731 From His Employer, And State Felony Violations Of The Maryland Wiretap Statute
- September 23, 2021: Two Additional Baltimore Correctional Employees Plead Guilty, Making a Total of Eight Correctional Employees Convicted of Charges Related to Theft of over $400,000 Dollars of State Funds.
- August 20, 2021: Ivan Gonzalez, Former Baltimore Police Officer and Candidate for Mayor of Baltimore City, Pleads Guilty to Perjury
- August 11, 2021: Baltimore Correctional Officer Pleads Guilty to Charges of Felony Theft and Misconduct in Office
- August 9, 2021: Edward M. Estes, former Mayor of the City of Glenarden, Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office
- July 30, 2021: Lora Walters, former Deputy Director of the Cecil County Board of Elections, Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office
- July 29, 2021: Baltimore Correctional Officers Plead Guilty to Charges of Felony Theft and Misconduct in Office
- July 26, 2021: Baltimore City Employee Pleads Guilty to Perjury
- July 9, 2021: Correctional Officer at Metropolitan Transition Center in Baltimore Pleads Guilty to Charges of Felony Theft and Misconduct in Office
- June 10, 2021: Five Correctional Officers charged with Felony Theft and Misconduct in Office
- June 4, 2021: Lora Walters, former Deputy Director of the Cecil County Board of Elections, charged with Misconduct in Office, Perjury, and other offenses.
- March 29, 2021: Ivan Gonzalez, Baltimore Police Officer and Candidate for Mayor of Baltimore City, charged with Perjury and other crimes related to his 2020 Mayoral Campaign
- March 11, 2021: New Bank Fraud and Aggravated Identity Theft Charges Added to Non-Profit CEO’S Previous Federal Indictment Charging Her with Wire Fraud, Bank Fraud, and Aggravated Identity Theft
- January 15, 2021: Correctional Officers and State Employee Charged with Theft and Bribery
- January 13, 2021: Baltimore City Employee Charged with Perjury
- November 17, 2020: Edward M. Estes, Mayor of Glen Arden, Maryland, Charged with Violating the Maryland Wiretap Statute and Misconduct in Office
- June 19, 2020: Former Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh Pleads Guilty To Perjury
- March 17, 2020: Level II – Flexible Operations of the Pandemic Flu and Other Infectious Diseases Attendance and Leave Policy
- February 13, 2020: Devan Martin, OSP Case #20-5785
- January 17, 2020: Greensboro Police Chief Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office
- January 6, 2020: Charles Blomquist and Sarah David Named Deputy State Prosecutors
- December 18, 2019: Ex-Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh Charged with Perjury
- December 10, 2019: City of District Heights Mayor Sentenced for Misconduct in Office
- December 5, 2019: Former Baltimore City School Business Manager Pleads Guilty to Theft of School Funds
- November 25, 2019: Charlton T. Howard III Sworn in as State Prosecutor
- November 20, 2019: City of District Heights Mayor Convicted of Misconduct in Office
- November 19, 2019: Maryland State Police Sergeant Charged with Misconduct in Office
- November 14, 2019: Greensboro Police Chief Charged with Misconduct in Office
- November 7, 2019: Former Baltimore City School Business Manager Charged with Theft of School Funds