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Posts Tagged ‘Leroy L. Ambush’

November 13, 2013: Leroy L. Ambush, III Sentenced

For Immediate Release                                                                     November 13, 2013





            State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt announced today that Leroy L. Ambush, III, who pled guilty to felony theft of victim restitution funds on October 21, 2013, was sentenced today in the Circuit Court for Frederick County.   According to the statement of facts presented to the court at the time of his guilty plea, between February 1, 2010 and March 19, 2013, Mr. Ambush stole restitution funds paid by criminal defendants that were intended for numerous individual and business victims on approximately 58 separate occasions. 

            The Honorable G. Edward Dwyer, Jr. imposed a sentence of five (5) years incarceration and suspended four and one half years. Mr. Ambush will serve six (6) months in jail (less 21 days of credit for pretrial drug treatment).  Upon his release, he will be on supervised probation for three (3) years, during which time he will be required to pay restitution in the amount of $13,640.00 to the identified victims of his scheme and perform three hundred hours of community service.

            State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt stated that “The vast majority of public officials and employees are honest and dedicated public servants.  I am hopeful that the jail sentence imposed in this case will cause some of those tempted to violate their public trust to reconsider their actions.”

For Immediate Release                                                                     November 13, 2013   FORMER VICTIM/WITNESS COORDINATOR FOR FREDERICK COUNTY STATE’S ATTORNEY’S OFFICE SENTECED               State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt announced today that Leroy L. Ambush, III, who pled guilty to felony theft of victim restitution funds on October 21, 2013, was sentenced today in the Circuit Court for Frederick County.   Read the Rest…

October 21, 2013: Leroy L. Ambush, III Statement of Facts

STATE OF MARYLAND               *          IN THE


            V.                                            *          CIRCUIT COURT


LEROY L. AMBUSH, III                *          FOR FREDERICK COUNTY


  • ·                     CASE NO. 10K13053581









            If this matter had proceeded to trial, state witnesses would testify to the following facts:

            In June of 2008, the defendant, Leroy L. Ambush III, was hired by the Office of the State’s Attorney for Frederick County as Victim/Witness Coordinator for the Office.  He worked there in that capacity until he was terminated in March of 2013.  As part of his duties, Mr. Ambush was often requested to accept restitution payments from defendants in criminal cases and provide same to the victims of various crimes.

            Between February 1, 2010 and March 19, 2013, however, Mr. Ambush stole restitution payments intended for specific crime victims in approximately 58 separate instances.  The amount of restitution funds stolen totaled approximately $20,700.00.  As soon as the Office of the State’s Attorney for Frederick County became aware of the thefts, Mr. Ambush was confronted, immediately terminated and the matter was referred to the Office of the State Prosecutor.

            On April 19, 2013, Mr. Ambush was interviewed by investigators with the Office of the State Prosecutor.  He admitted that on numerous occasions during that period, he accepted money orders or, in some instances, cash payments intended as restitution for crime victims and kept the money for his own personal use.  He carried out this scheme by writing his name as the payee on money orders and endorsing same.  Mr. Ambush also confirmed that he frequently created a fictitious name and address of the purchaser on each money order prior to cashing them.

            All of these events occurred in Frederick County, Maryland.  State Investigators would identify the defendant, Leroy L. Ambush, III, as the individual who admitted to stealing restitution funds in his role as Victim/Witnesses Coordinator for the Office of the State’s Attorney for Frederick County.

STATE OF MARYLAND               *          IN THE               V.                                            *          CIRCUIT COURT   LEROY L. AMBUSH, III                *          FOR FREDERICK COUNTY   ·                     CASE NO. 10K13053581         STATEMENT OF FACTS IN SUPPORT OF GUILTY PLEA                 If this matter had proceeded to trial, state witnesses would testify to the following  Read the Rest…

October 21, 2013: Leroy L. Ambush, III Plea

For Immediate Release                                                                     October 21, 2013






            State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt announced today that Leroy L. Ambush, III, former Victim/Witness Coordinator for the Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office, pleaded guilty in the Circuit Court for Frederick County to felony theft of victim restitution funds.  The Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office terminated Ambush in April of this year and immediately referred this matter to the Office of the State Prosecutor.


            According to a statement of facts presented to the court, between February 1, 2010 and March 19, 2013, Mr. Ambush stole restitution funds paid by criminal defendants that were intended for numerous individual and business victims on approximately 58 separate occasions.  Stolen restitution funds totaled just over $20,700.  A copy of the statement of facts presented to the court is available at


            State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt stated: “Mr. Ambush was in a position of trust and clearly violated that trust.  Stealing money from individuals and businesses who have already been victimized once is simply reprehensible.”

For Immediate Release                                                                     October 21, 2013   FORMER VICTIM/WITNESS COORDINATOR FOR FREDERICK COUNTY STATE’S ATTORNEY’S OFFICE PLEADS GUILTY TO FELONY THEFT OF RESTITUTION FUNDS               State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt announced today that Leroy L. Ambush, III, former Victim/Witness Coordinator for the Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office, pleaded guilty in the Circuit Court for  Read the Rest…

June 27, 2013: Leroy L. Ambush, III Press Release

For Immediate Release                                                                                 June 27, 2013





            State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt announced today that Leroy L. Ambush, III, former Victim/Witness Coordinator for the Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office, has been charged in the Circuit Court for Frederick County with felony theft of victim restitution funds. The Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office terminated Ambush in April of this year and immediately referred this matter to the Office of the State Prosecutor.


            The charge alleges that between February 1, 2010 and March 19, 2013, Mr. Ambush stole restitution funds paid by criminal defendants that were intended for numerous individual and business victims on approximately 56 separate occasions. Stolen restitution funds totaled just over $20,700.  


            State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt stated: “Stealing restitution funds intended for crime victims while holding a position of public trust is simply a reprehensible offense.”


            Although charged, the Defendant is presumed innocent unless and until there is a conviction. If convicted, the Defendant faces up to fifteen years’ imprisonment and a $15,000 fine.

For Immediate Release                                                                                 June 27, 2013   FORMER VICTIM/WITNESS COORDINATOR FOR FREDERICK COUNTY STATE’S ATTORNEY OFFICE CHARGED WITH FELONY THEFT OF RESTITUTION FUNDS               State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt announced today that Leroy L. Ambush, III, former Victim/Witness Coordinator for the Frederick County State’s Attorney’s Office, has been charged in the Circuit Court for  Read the Rest…
