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August 9, 2021: Edward M. Estes, former Mayor of the City of Glenarden, Pleads Guilty to Misconduct in Office

Maryland State Prosecutor Charlton T. Howard announced today that Edward M. Estes, 63, the former Mayor of the City of Glenarden, Maryland, pleaded guilty to a charge of Misconduct in Office.

According to the Statement of Facts in support of the plea, in his capacity as Mayor of the City of Glenarden, Mr. Estes had a meeting with two other individuals regarding a personnel issue. Unbeknownst to the individuals in the meeting, Mr. Estes recorded the meeting and then referenced the recording at a later date during a council meeting when issues that had been discussed in the recorded meeting were raised.  The two individuals in the meeting did not consent to being recorded by Mr. Estes at the meeting and at no point did Mr. Estes advise them that the meeting was being recorded.  Recording conversations without the consent of all parties is unlawful in Maryland.

On August 6, 2021, Mr. Estes was sentenced by the Honorable Michael R. Pearson of the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County to probation before judgment for a period of two years.

“Public officials who use their position and authority to violate the law abuse the public trust,” said State Prosecutor Howard, “Our office will continue to seek accountability when such violations occur.”

The Office of the State Prosecutor would like to recognize Senior Assistant State Prosecutor Letam Duson, Deputy State Prosecutor Charles Blomquist, and former Office of the State Prosecutor Special Agent Sean Chaney for their contributions to this effort.

A copy of the statement of facts read into the record at the August 6, 2021 hearing can be found HERE.

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